The Official Publication of Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health - Philippines

PhilHealth introduces Expanded Newborn Care Package

In support of the National Comprehensive Newborn Screening System, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Inc., or PhilHealth, recently released PhilHealth Circular No. 2018-0021, expanding its coverage of essential health services for newborns.

In the circular, which will take effect on January 5, 2019, the PhilHealth introduced the enhanced Newborn Care Package, increasing the amount of coverage from PHP 1,750.00 to PHP 2,950.00. The new
cost pays for supplies for essential newborn care, such as Vitamin K, eye ointment, and vaccines for hepatitis B and BCG. Included also are the Expanded Newborn Screening (ENBS) Test, Newborn Hearing Screening Test, and fees for attending professionals. 

The PhilHealth circular provides that the enhanced package shall be dispensed to qualified newborns delivered in all accredited health care institutions that perform deliveries and provide newborn care, which include hospitals, infirmaries/dispensaries, and birthing homes/lying-in clinics.

To ensure entitlement to the said benefit, newborns need to be in the facility for at least 24 hours after birth, except those who warrant immediate referral to a higher level facility. The state health insurer encouraged all active and expecting PhilHealth members to avail themselves of the said package in order to provide newborns with the needed services that will help reduce morbidity and mortality while reducing health care costs associated with treatment of lifelong debilitating conditions.

Published in Newborn Screening
Official Newsletter of the Newborn Screening Reference Center

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