The Official Publication of Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health - Philippines

Infographic: Expanded Newborn Screening

Health Promotion and Advocacy Update

Early this year, the expanded NBS program started and this allowed the screening of hemoglobinopathies and additional metabolic disorders, namely organic acid, fatty acid oxidation, and amino acid disorders. All these conditions can be treated at birth, avoiding complications of no treatment.

Expanded newborn screening is optional. This makes newborn screening to be offered to parents in all participating facilities with the following options:

Option 1: Six (6) disorders (CH, CAH, GAL, PKU, G6PD, and MSUD) at
P 550.

Option 2: The full complement of 28 disorders (including the previous six disorders) at P 1,500

The cost of newborn screening, which is now at P 550, is presently included in the newborn care package for members of PhilHealth.

Infographic: Ryan John Pascual
UP Los Banos/UP Diliman
VYLH-Philippines NCR-South Luzon

Special Thanks: Ms. Vina Mendoza (NSRC-NIH-UP Manila) and the VYLH-Philippines Secretariat  for reviewing this material.


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