Compiled by the VYLH-Philippines Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Chapter.
"VYLH has changed my views about volunteerism. At first, I thought it was a tiring act because one has to do those things for free. But then again, it doesn't really matter whether if you're paid or not. The happiness of the people benefiting from our volunteer works is really heart-warming. It is all worth it. Being a part of VYLH is one of the best experiences of my life. I met new friends across the country and as well as helped those people who needed help." - Renz Marione Bulseco, University of the Philippines Mindanao
"VYLH has changed my views about volunteerism. At first, I thought it was a tiring act because one has to do those things for free. But then again, it doesn't really matter whether if you're paid or not. The happiness of the people benefiting from our volunteer works is really heart-warming. It is all worth it. Being a part of VYLH is one of the best experiences of my life. I met new friends across the country and as well as helped those people who needed help." - Renz Marione Bulseco, University of the Philippines Mindanao
How VYLH changed my life? Well, it changed my life in several aspects. I learn to advocate and help to spread information about rare diseases, folic acid awareness and on new born screening. It helped me to gain much self confidence, esp. when i am talking about my advocacy. Lastly, right now as a teacher, it made me realize that my concern to my students will not focus only on the academic aspect but also on their health in which my advocacy on VYLH are involved. - Reyjean Porras, West Visayas State University, Iloilo
There will always be days when I wake up and find myself depressed, feeling like I'm worthless; that there is too much going on in the world and that I'm doing nothing, absolutely nothing to somehow make a difference. But one day, it dawned upon me that I could not change the world on my own but nonetheless, I can make a difference. I can, in my own little way contribute to the change that I want to see in the world and that is how Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health helped me. VYLH made me realize that I can't be a superhero and save the world from every bad circumstance that might occur but I can be a "super me" that is devoted to work for a worthy cause. Indeed, working for Newborn Screening Promotion, Folic Acid Awareness and Care for Rare Orphan Disorders are causes worth waking up in the morning to fight for. - Christine Querubin, Ateneo de Zamboanga University
VYLH has brought out something in me that makes me as what I am today. The experience is fun. It changes my life in a way that it touches my heart to be an advocate and be involved in saving the world from such crises in a simple way of giving important information about the VYLH advocacies in promoting good health. It is so great to be with the VYLH family and I will always be grateful and proud that I am part of it.
- Leo Vergel Siao Labajo, Polytechnic College of Davao del Sur
More than being an organization, VYLH is an inspiration. How it began, how it is now and and how it will be are all shaped by pure inspiration...
To spread awareness…
To enjoin the youth…
To touch lives…
and to be a part of the dream of having a healthier Philippines beginning from the moment of conception. The Volunteer Youth Leaders Forum is an organization that has gathered youth leaders of different backgrounds, united for the same purpose. It is more than a leadership training ground for the members for it is a venue where people become inspired to achieve their purpose and in doing so, they continue to inspire others. - Zapphire Zamudio, Silliman University
To spread awareness…
To enjoin the youth…
To touch lives…
and to be a part of the dream of having a healthier Philippines beginning from the moment of conception. The Volunteer Youth Leaders Forum is an organization that has gathered youth leaders of different backgrounds, united for the same purpose. It is more than a leadership training ground for the members for it is a venue where people become inspired to achieve their purpose and in doing so, they continue to inspire others. - Zapphire Zamudio, Silliman University
Being a part of the Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health has actually inspired me to fuel my own set of goals and directions in life. It even affirmed the call for me to be an advocate not only for a more peaceful community and a greener surrounding, but also to be an ambassador for a healthier future."- Joan Mae Barredo, Ateneo de Zamboanga University
All famous men in history created change. They are initiators of the "domino effect" which became their undying legacy. Through VYLH I hope that someday, I shall be in the same league and be able to stand proud among those men of honor.
- Daniel Canlobo, UP Los Banos
- Daniel Canlobo, UP Los Banos
VYLH changed the direction of my life. Doing volunteer work for health and about health strengthened my interest towards health work. It pushed me towards the field where I can do all the things that I want – to learn, to serve and to advocate. At the moment, I am applying for admission to a health related graduate degree and hoping to start a new phase of my life this coming school year. Indeed, everything that VYLH-Philippines have taught me and the moments that I have spent with the rest of its volunteer force encouraged me to change my career path – a life for health. - Ryan John Pascual, UP Los BaƱos
"VYLH is but a catalyst of great changes in my life. i was influenced by the advocacies of our organization. I realize that HUMANITY is not simply about MAJORITY but it refers to ALL. So now, when i propose projects to implement, i do not refer to issues that the MAJORITY experiences but also even to issues that only SOME are facing. This i relate to the small portion of the population that has birth defects or orphan disorders that really NEEDS our ATTENTION as well." - Stephen Bryan Yu Bongcaras, Holy Name University – Bohol
VYLH has changed me in a number of ways. It changed the way I saw children with orphan disorders. It made me understand them more and be more concerned of their plight. It erased my misconceptions about congenital disorders. i now know that these can be prevented when detected at an early stage, and that these children need not be doomed to a low quality of life because of a debilitating disorder. VYLH has taught me to be more outgoing and flexible, having to deal and meet with people from all walks of life - Mary Camille Reyes, UP Visayas, Iloilo
VYLH is one of the biggest chunks in my life. Not only has it promoted awareness of its health campaigns but, also, it has been an excellent avenue where i was able to sharpen my interpersonal skills and develop excellent leadership and camaraderie. As i got through school, I was faced with bigger challenges, and that is getting employed in a leading reputable company. For the main reason that leadership is imperative for most companies, there is no tad of doubt that VYLH was, is and will continuously be one of the reasons why i would get hired.- Nico Dela Cruz, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City

This organization made me as holistic person, giving out my volunteerism in doing things which can help people surrounding me. the VYLH thought me on how to be an health educator and advocate in response of what people need in their knowledge regarding in such important topics(NBS, Folic Acid, and Rare Act Disease). In line of my profession i was happy that I’m part of the VYLH as Member and continuing the goals, vision and mission of this organization. - Jose Samuel Lapuz, University of St. La Salle
Being part of the Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health makes the impossible possible for me. Imagine, I was 16 years old back then, and i am not even in any medical related course. But maybe God's plan was so perfect because joining VYLH made me better. The laughter, the brain storming, the lack of sleep, and the bonding moments - Mentioning these makes me miss the camp more and more and more. The friends that I had met and the persons that touched my life, VYLH exposed me to a different world that i should be thankful for. I will be forever a certified VOLUNTEER YOUTH LEADERS FOR HEALTH, course and age will not matter, it is now the passion of being a catalyst of change. Go, VYLF Family! - Clariza Glino, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
"Being a member of vylh gave me a lot of opportunities and through those opportunities it changed me as a person simply by making me aware that helping is not a requirement or a must helping simply means doing something out of LOVE" - Jeihla Mae Arceo Banzon, University of San Carlos – Cebu
VYLH has actually made me a better leader. After the VYLH experience, I was able to learn how to lead by heart. I learned how to deal with the least provided for. Most importantly, I learned how to lead people to stand up the rights of those who can't. - Eliez Anne Dayanghirang, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City
VYLH has changed my life in a way that i am now more concerned and engaged into advocating health. Though I am in line with the medical field already, VYLH paves way for me to have an opportunity to see what is behind the reality - that it is undoubtedly happening that a numerous individuals are being orphaned by the society nowadays because of their incapability of treating their own selves, or having hard time to seek medical consultation. Through VYLH i am even more motivated to really pursue the profession I am taking in. futher, VYLH served as an outlet for me to meet new faces, with different personality but possessing the same kind of advocacy, which later on became my colleagues. - Shane Paul C. Baula -Brokenshire College, Davao City
VLYH changed me in a way that i became more aware of New born screening...that parents should really new born screen their babies in order to know if their child has pre.existing birth defects or genetically acquired disease...VYLH helps the young, the leaders of tomorrow,get empowered.. - Fob Ian Sy, Silliman University, Dumaguete City
"Everyone has a story, and it is called to be a journey, the reason why we are here and who we are, but one thing is sure: there is value in learning each other’s stories. Together, in the chaos of our lives, we can encourage each other to live further into who we’re meant to be. In this matter as a volunteer youth leader for health, i became more manageable of the things on how I should help people who are in need or people who really needs my help. I already build two qualities that help me to become stronger volunteer which is PERSONALITY and CONCERN. I know that someday this manner of helping will be visible not only to me but also to others. We have to fight for each other because if you don’t fight when you are strong and happy, no one will fight for you when you are weak and sad. - Elmer Palomeno, Our Lady of the Pillar College Cauayan
Joining VYLH was fun and worthy. The experience cannot define for a short word. It broadens my perspective in life. All activities performed were all life-changing. VYLH is an organization for the youth to advocate an awareness for a healthy lifestyle.- Rachel Kay Agustin Perez, University of La Sallete
VYLH made me put my confidence in the power of the Youth as strong catalysts of change. I was impressed how potent the younger generation can be in carrying out important roles in the field of health. Proving that being young is an asset rather than a liability. - Benjie "Kuya Benj" Sumaguio, NSRC Visayas
VYLH-Philippines has given me the opportunity to share thoughts, values, idealism and understanding with fellow filipino youth across the archipelago. It widened my path as to serve our nation for the good of the people. VYLH has been an instrument for me to travel anywhere in the Philippines. But great opportunities come with great responsibilities to uphold the mission and vision of this prestigious organization and I take great pride to be one of the top notched founding members of VYLH-Philippines. - Gian Carlo Abellana, Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City