The Official Publication of Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health - Philippines

Legislation for mandatory folic acid fortification discussed in DOST Forum

DOST S&T Media Service

VYLH-Philippines and GeneSoc members join the delegates
of the NAST RTD on Folic Acid
Foods and ingredients fortified with folic acid such as rice and flour will easily find their way in stores and supermarket shelves once legislation is in place. This will provide more Filipina consumers with more amounts of a nutrient proven to help prevent the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs) in their future children.

At a recent Roundtable Discussion on Folic Acid organized by the Department of Science and Technology-National Academy of Science and Technology (DOST-NAST), Food Fortification Initiative’s Executive Officer for Asia Dr. Karen Codling stressed the necessity of mandatory legislation to create an impact on public health.

“Eighty-one countries currently have mandatory legislation for the fortification of wheat flour,” Codling revealed. “All but five of these require fortification with folic acid. The Philippines is one of the five countries with mandatory fortification of wheat flour that does not include folic acid.”  

In the same discussion, NAST Academician and UP Manila Chancellor Carmencita D. Padilla shared that the Institute of Human Genetics of the National Institutes of Health is proposing a legislation to establish a comprehensive policy on achieving adequate folic acid intake via food fortification and supplementation. This proposed bill, said Padilla, will hopefully be submitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives by August 2015.

“We want to ensure that there is adequate supply of folic acid fortified food and food products and folic acid tablets at an affordable price,” Padilla stated.




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